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Kingston Cove Yacht Club
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 81
Kingston, WA 98346-0081
KCYC is a 501C7 - Social Organization
Club Address
25815 Washington Blvd NE
Kingston, WA 98346
HomeEventsBoys & Girls Club Giving Tree

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Boys & Girls Club Giving Tree

About this event

Every year KCYC decorates a Giving Tree with tags of gift wishes by local children in need.  This tree is in the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is closed until December 6th, but, (yay!!) the final deadline is extended by a week, to December 20th. Thank you Kathy Showman for coordinating this!

If you would like to shop for some of these gifts before then, maybe on Black Friday, Simona Dedek has taken a stack of the wish gift cards home for you to "check out" and claim.  Please text, or call, and I will help you pick out a tag or two or three, and I can mark them as pending, and then we will reunite those tags with the gifts on December 6th, 7th, 13th or even the 20th (final deadline). I specifically took home the tags for the youngest kids. I will return any cards not claimed back to the tree by December 6th.
Simona: 818-434-8091

We will also need help to move the gifts to Village Green on the morning of Saturday, December 21st. If you have an SUV, or a covered truck (Cybertruck, anyone? :-) please let Cheryl Callais know that you are available, and she will confirm with you later, when we know how large the stash is going to be. Text or call her 360-297-8627.

Date and Time

Friday, December 6, 2024, 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Kathy Showman

Cheryl Callais


Community Engagement

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only