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Kingston Cove Yacht Club
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 81
Kingston, WA 98346-0081
KCYC is a 501C7 - Social Organization
Club Address
25815 Washington Blvd NE
Kingston, WA 98346
HomeBosun's Pipe, February 2024

đź’› FEBRUARY đź’›

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Birthdays / Anniversaries


Commodore 2023-24 Rita Osborn

As I sit writing this, I am looking out my window and see sunshine and signs of spring. Perhaps the cold, blustery days are over, and we will be looking at a tulips and daffodils sooner that later. Whatever the weather, it does not deter our members, and we have a lot of things to look forward to, rain or shine.

We have our first cruise under our belt: weather was awesome, Kingston Ferry not so much. Operation Dunkirk, if you haven’t heard, saved the day, evening, night! I am sure the events of the Edmonds cruise are covered elsewhere in this issue, so I will just say it was the BEST EVER EDMONDS CRUISE, and you all know who made it so great, therefore I am just going to say THANK YOU to all of the members who made it the best, and hard to top, cruise event to start off our cruising year.

I said it before and I will say it again, leadership is easier when you surround yourself with good, hardworking, dedicated people. Your Board, and Chairmen this year, are all that and more. They aim to please, and work very hard in every area of the Club’s business, whether it be cruises, social events,, finances, facilities improvements, planning, safety and education, or just having fun. So, you too, know who you are, and another big THANK YOU to all the Board Members, and Chairmen who work to make the Club successful.

Be sure to check out the Club calendar for the schedule of events and cruises upcoming. You will be missing out if you don’t sign up and attend, but more than that we need volunteers to help with Friday nights, events and cruises. Don’t be shy, check that volunteer box, and if you are new, there will be enough old, older, older than dirt, members to help you through whatever you volunteered to do. One of our past Commodore’s says “it takes a village”, and it does.

We are listening to you, and want to know more about what you want from your Club. A survey is being prepared, and hopefully, we will get enough of you to complete it, so we can move forward with your ideas in hand. You are welcome to attend our Board meetings and any special meetings we have. Let your voices be heard as we plan our future. Membership, Junior Membership, future facilities upgrades, a new facility or staying where we are, and the budget are all areas that need assessment and input from membership. Be watching for the survey.

See you on Friday night, or at the General Meeting, and until then Happy Valentine’s Day, love the one you’re with, or not, but be kind to one another. Aloha Hui Hou đź’— 




February 2023 —Clubhouse Improvement


Deck furniture stored for the winter.; Deck planters removed and stored for next spring; New keyless smart lock installed on front door; Kitchen grill extinguisher serviced; Kitchen towel cabinet latch replaced; Kitchen grill exhaust system cleaned; Repaired of attic stairs hinge; Pendant lighting replaced with LED ceiling fixtures; Interior painting completed; Cleaned ice machine sensors.

Next Up

Acquire and install parking bollards in front of barbecue; Acquire and install new flooring; Acquire and install new window coverings.

On the List

Identify cost effective acoustic panels; Add additional food counter electrical outlets; Build out a soffit above the food counter replacing the current curtain.

Important Dates

  • March 23rd-28th – Floor Covering Replacement:  Tentative 6 days to remove and install depending on new flooring materials supply availability. This will be a major clubhouse improve relying on member volunteer labor to limiting the expense to the cost of materials. We can get it done together. Watch for more information later this month.
  • Saturday April 27th – Annual Spring Cleaning:  Another opportunity to volunteer. Deep cleaning or our clubhouse, fixtures and furniture.

Notice something that could use fixing or improved?  Drop me an e-mail at Please describe the item and the best way to reach you so I may get more information if needed.

The 2024 Polar Bear dinner was one for the history books, and not just because of the hydraulic malfunction at the Edmonds dock!  Everyone involved worked their butts off to make the evening a success! Many thanks to Ed & John for unloading all of the wine, spirits, mixers, glasses, fruit, etc. from our loaded to the gills SUV. At the end of the night the leftovers were loaded back into the SUV with help from Bob Mehm, Jim Poulakis, Adam Doremire, and John Gantz. Also thanks to all of the wine glass collectors (you know who you are). Darcy and I are going to lobby for a glass sanitizer like the one at EYC.

The KCYC bar will be open 5-9 pm through Labor Day, last call at 8:45. A call for MAST license holders to volunteer to help out behind the bar at general meetings and certain Friday events. Ask Kathy Butterly (volunteer at the January meeting) how much fun it is.

The Bar Booster loyalty program has been going well, thanks to Darcy for keeping everyone’s cards current. We’re only checking the
cards off on Friday nights and at the general meetings, it’s much too hectic at big events

The Treasurer reports that the 2024 budget has been finalized ... just in time for January results to come in nicely ahead of plan. Partly this was New Year's Eve revenues that got booked in January, partly a big payment for club rental by Town and Country to hold meetings..And Polar Bear results bode well for February. Bode, Boat, Booty.


edmonds 4 2022

It Takes a Village - Many Thanks
Joseph Charnes - Breakfast Saturday
Karen and Neil Parker - Prime Rib Dinner
Simona Dedek - Silent Auction and Raffle
Radim Dedek - Silent Auction and Raffle setup
Jim Poulakis - Cleanup supervisor
Christa Ross and Linda MacEllvan - Check-in
Harry Ostrander - Helped with EVERYTHING at the dinner (Raffle, Auction, Serving, Cleanup)
Doreen Jordan and Bob Mehm - Setup and Bar breakdown
Christa Bassett Ross - Table setup
Jim and Jennie Dilanni - setup and servers
Holly Lawrence and Brian Moyer - cleanup
Lorie Bischoff - Auction help
Robin Lott - Raffle sales
Cheryl Callais - Scullery Maid (for ALL dishes for 80 people)
Chris and Tami Fratini - Cleanup and Setup
John Gantz - Bar setup
Shelley and Darci - Bartenders extraordinaire

(Apologies, in advance, to anyone we missed.)
Polar Bear Cruise & Dinner
The February cruise to Edmonds and the Annual Polar Bear Prime Rib Dinner and Fundraising Event was a big success. We had 11 boats attending. Two dropped out the last week so we were able to move OUR DESTINY up from the waitlist. We had no issues landing or tying up as weather was very cooperative with sunny conditions and winds no more than 12 knots. Joseph and Jim Diianni (Cruise Captain) provided a wonderful Saturday breakfast in the EYC Clubhouse featuring eggs, bacon and waffles with strawberries and cream.

On Saturday a few members took a trip to the Boat Show Seattle while others took a stroll around Edmonds. The main event was the Prime Rib Dinner Fundraiser at Edmonds Yacht Club. Folks arrived by car and ferry and in total, we had 80 members and guests attend! That included the Edmonds Yacht Club Vice Commodore Larry Carpenter, Fleet Commodore Steve Geodde and his wife Kate.

Simona Dedek did a fantastic job of putting together a Silent Auction and Raffle Table of donated items. Cheryl Hammon hustled attendees for the 50/50 raffle. Each of these events were spectacularly successful.   Shelly and Darci brought the bar from Kingston and they were busy all night! Amazing how thirsty Prime Rib makes the members.

OPERATION DUNKIRK (Kingston Rescue) - After the 5:00 Kingston Ferry failed to land in Edmonds due to a hydraulic ramp failure, it was directed back to Kingston with 16 of our members onboard. Quick communications between Walter and Robin relayed the situation to the group at the clubhouse. After a short discussion between Neil Parker, Jim Diianni, Post Commodore Kim and the Fleet Captain, we decided to go rescue those members from Kingston and get them to Edmonds for the dinner. Neil delayed the dinner, Kim explained the situation to the crowd in the clubhouse and Jim helped the Fleet Captain with an emergent underway to Kingston on Fast Eddy. Departing at 5:45, Fast Eddy was able to pickup 11 of the 16 members (5 selecting to forego the event and go home) at the fuel dock in Kingston and transit back to Edmonds by 7:30 pm. On the way back in the dark, Jim stood lookout in the bridge, Fleet Captain Ed conned from the cockpit with Cecile Schwedes assistant Conning Officer in the cockpit (comms operator, lookout and assistant radar operator). It was a great success due to the team effort of everyone involved. All 11 rescued members were able to enjoy the Prime Rib Dinner, bid on the Silent Auction items and even take home some left over Prime Rib sections that were auctioned off at the end of the event.

As Fleet Captain, I would like to personally and publicly thank all those that participated and helped with the event. Although this is not inclusive of everyone who helped, the below members deserve particular recognition:

Next Fleet Cruise

The next Fleet cruise is to Brownsville (with Bob Mehm and Doreen Jordan as Cruise Captains) where we will feature a spaghetti dinner hosted by Andrew Wilson. Watch for the event announcement and registration opening this week!.

Neil & Karen Parker

A Special Round of Thanks

The Prime Rib Dinner was a success largely due to the efforts of Neil and Karen Parker. They planned the meal to the last detail and worked for weeks testing cooking times for the beef, gathering ingredients, planning the table settings, planning the dessert, and even planning for members with dietary restrictions so that no one was left out. They worked very long hours Friday and Saturday as the final details come due. And as anyone there would attest, they provided an absolutely fantastic dinner experience. Notice everyone ate at the same time and all the food was hot. This was easily a $100 per person value anywhere in Seattle and that doesn’t include having you piece carved at your table, right off the bone! Knowing them like I do, they did this as something they love doing for their fellow members. To drive home our appreciation, we provided them with a nice gift, but a warm "Thank You" next time you see them would be even nicer for them to receive.

Boater Safety
We had another successful First Aid/AED/CPR course January 27th with nine KCYC members attending. We now have an AED at the clubhouse.  Another course will be scheduled for the fall season. The Fire Awareness and Fire Extinguisher training is scheduled for February 24th. Members can register from the event calendar. The KCYC boater education day is scheduled for March 9th and the focus is on preparing for the 2024 cruising season. Stay tuned for an opportunity to go through the Ballard locks training later in March.

Saturday, February 24th @ 10am—Fire & Fire Extinguisher Training
The Fire Extinguisher training will be held at the North Kitsap Fire and Rescue headquarters on Miller Bay Rd. There are still 14 slots open for registration. Register on the KCYC website.
Click here to sign up:  Fire Extinguisher Training Session

Second Annual Spring Boater Education Day 1Saturday, March 9th—Boater Education Day
Join us for a day-long series of presentations by KCYC members and industry professionals to help you prepare for the 2024 cruising season and beyond. We encourage attendance by boat captains/owners and crew members who want to participate in our club's boating activities. Each session will provide ample opportunity for Q&A.

This event is free for KCYC members and $10 for non-members. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.  Registration is required. The event is limited to 25 participants.
Click here to view the agenda.
Click here to register.

Contact Jim DiIanni for additional information:, 425.466.0483



Continuing our monthly Port Watch articles, this month we’ll discuss the rules that govern and in many ways, restrict Commissioners from doing their job, and solutions to the complications presented by these rules.

The Port of Kingston has three Commissioners who meet regularly in work sessions where no motion or decision can be made, and general sessions where motions are put forth and decisions implemented. Commissioners are responsible for guiding and directing the Executive Director towards the short and long term vision for the Port. Commissioners consider ideas, create, review and monitor policies, review budget and most importantly represents the public interests. The Executive Director provides recommendations, carries out policies and implements plans, in addition to supervising all employees and contractors working at the Port.

Odd rules: Commissioners are not allowed to talk to each other unless in a public session. The Executive Director on the other hand, can meet with a single Commissioner privately, to lobby and explain his or her views. Not to imply any wrong doing, the Executive Director can influence each Commissioner individually without the other Commissioners knowing what was said. The work sessions are intended to allow discussion between Commissioners, but if each individually has already been influenced, minds may already be made up in advance of public meets. Kind of like how kids playing one parent off against the other to get their way.

Two solutions—the first is “You”. You can meet with any Commissioner individually and talk about your view on topics, and ask what their positions are. Then attend either a work session or a general session, to see if what you discussed remains the same or has changed.

Any questions or comments, contact Jack Lott,


February  2024

  • The Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th at 6pm.
  • The General Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 15th at 6pm.  There will be the usual potluck dinner preceding the business meeting.

Stop by the Club
on Friday Evenings!

Now open at 5pm.

Our members are always welcome to just come in for a drink and to catch up with friends on Friday evenings.  You are not required to participate in the meal being served. Guests of members are also welcome, however they must be signed in by their host member.

When food is provided, reserve a spot if available (depending on what is being served) so that our hosts can plan the correct amount of food and avoid food loss costs to the club.


Thank You to All Our Polar Bear Donors

Mike and Cathy Reed, Sandi and Ken Dalgleish, Jennie Tucker, Ed Fernandez, Karl Compton, Jamie Hunter, Kathy Satre and Bill Orr, Eric MacEllven, Simona Dedek, Christa Bassett Ross, Sonya Bennett, Kim Francisco Clark and Tony Clark, Lorie and Chris Bischoff, Andy Wilson, Steve and Gloria Young, John and Shelley Gantz, Stan and Jane Mack, Dave and Adela Lukas, Neil and Karen Parker, Jerry Kirschner and Nancy Langwith, Cheryl Hammon, Cheryl Callais, Lon and Cathy Hayne, Cecile Schwedes, Kathy Butterly, Jim and Zoe Poulakis

Upcoming Social Events

  • Friday, February 9th—Clubhouse and bar open
    Meet and Mingle
  • Thursday, February 15th—General Meeting
    Potluck and business meeting
  • Friday, February 16th—Clubhouse and bar open
    Meet and Mingle with the Edmonds Yacht Club
    Lasagna Contest & Dinner. Please register.
  • Friday, February 23rd—Adult Grilled Cheese & Live Music
    Please register.

January Social Events

January, typically a quiet time in the Club, saw us getting cheesy with it, with the Second Annual cheesy night.  All things that say “Cheese please!” showed up at the club, shared by members, and the event was well attended.  All the dishes were very gouda.

Later in the month, new(-ish) members Nancy Hanson and Tami Fratini, with mentor and co-host Kathy Satre, put on a fantastic Baked Potato night, and we combined it with Game Night.  Judging by the loudness of the room, and frequent outbursts of laughter from all the tables immersed in their various games, this is something we really should do more often!  Would you like to host Game Night?  Let me know!

And of course, there was the Polar Bear Cruise and Dinner last weekend! While we will let the Fleet Captain tell the story of the cruise, and his amazing Dunkirk escapade, I do get share with you some info about the Fundraiser.  I don’t think it would be an overstatement to say that our members are THE MOST GENEROUS!  The amount and creativity in the items contributed by so many of you was quite mind blowing, once I finally got to see it all displayed on FOUR large tables.  Whew!  Stay tuned for the breakdown of the figures during the next General Meeting, and I will follow that up with a separate email.

So many thanks to my volunteer crew for this event:  Main support: The Husband, Rad Dedek who got voluntold what to do, and slogged through Saturday from 1 pm until we caught the last ferry home on Saturday evening; Lorie Bischoff, who was by my side all night; Robin and Jack Lott who sold Raffle tickets and helped as needed, Harry Ostrander, who was at my beck and call, Cheryl Hammon who single handledly wrangled $20 bills out of all the wallets in the room for the 50/50 cash raffle, with the help of Cheryl Callais. And let’s not forget our lucky Polar Bear, Kim Clark, who saw the need and stepped right in to help us dispatch the raffle draws and silent auction closings that got pushed back, because, you know… Dunkirk. 

What’s coming up next?  Edmonds YC is coming in for their reciprocal February cruise, and Kim Page will be putting on Elevated Grilled Cheese sandwiches and live music, later in February.  Check the calendar, and read your emails for more details!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Text, email or call me:, 818-434-8091
Simona Dedek, Social Director



Kingston's Boys and Girls Club Blue Door Gala Fundraiser

KCYC’s Community Engagement Committee would like to get the word about the Kingston’s Boys and Girls Club Blue Door Gala fundraiser at the Village Green on Saturday, March 23 at 5pm. There are several ways you can help this organization that cares for many area children before, and after school. Several KCYC members volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club summer camp to help the children learn about pollinators, observe what plants they pollinate in front of the Village Green, and submit the data to a real scientific research project. The Boys and Girls Club enrichment programs can always use funding.

There will be a dinner and entertainment the night of the gala where individuals can purchase $50 tickets or maybe a group of eight KCYC members and friends would want to purchase a table for $375. Auction items will be accepted until March 1. And as always cash donations are appreciated.

For more information about sponsoring a table or making a donation, contact Chelsea Tate at or call 360-297-3996. Details are also available at


Membership Committee Announcements

We are excited to announce that the Membership Cards will be available at the front desk beginning February 9th. All members who are current on their dues will have a card. There will be a membership committee member available to provide you with assistance in getting your card.

What can you do with a Kingston Cove Membership Card?  1. You can use it when visiting a Port that has a Yacht Club you can use the card for reciprocal moorage that provides a reduction in moorage fees.  You can learn more about the reciprocal moorage locations by visiting the KCYC Website and Click on Reciprocal.
You can use the Membership Card when visiting other Yacht Clubs. You do not need to have boat you just need your card.

Upcoming Events Sponsored by Membership:
Poulsbo Wine Tasting : Date to be Announced
Kingston Pub Crawl: Date to be Announced


Friday Night
Let's Get Cheesy

Friday Night Social
Potato Bar & Game Night


Cheesy Friday Jan 2024
Baked Potato Friday Jan 2024
Clubhouse Interior Painting 2024

Polar Bear Cruise
& Dinner

Polar Bear Cruise Feb 2024


Update the Squadron List with your Boat Detail

If you your boat information on the website, this keeps the Squadron list current. Adding your boat to your profile will help the Cruise director keep you informed on cruise information. The Fleet Captain can be emailed if you have any questions.

  1. Sign in with username & password.
  2. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner to view all Member Profile options.

3. Click on the Additional Member Data box and update all 8 fields with your boat information.

4. Press Save!


It may not feel much like it, but Spring is just around the corner.
Order your new items now in time for your Spring wardrobe

There are three ways to order:

  1. Select items from the Ship's Store case at the club and purchase from a representative.
  2. Select items from the Ship's Store webpage by clicking here: Ships Store
  3. Send an email to the KCYC Ship's Store team: KCYC Ship's Store


Only Clouds This Month:

  • Harry Ostrander’s wife, Nancy, passed away last week. They had been married for 53 years.
  • Dave Turner's mom passed away at the age of 103.
  • Mark Wiser had entered Liberty Shores senior living home. His advancing cancer has led to an inability to stand and the need for advanced care.
  • Doreen Jordan will be having hip replacement surgery next week.
  • Robin Lott injured her knee skiing, first time down in a tobaggan in 50 years of skiing.

If you know of member who has amazing news to share, please let us know so we can all celebrate.  If you know that a member is struggling with health issues or has recently lost a family member, please send an email so we can send a card to them to help brighten their day.
Kim Francisco, Past Commodore, email:


A Note from Dawn Wiser

Dawn and Mark are very grateful to have found the wonderful people of the yacht club. We want to thank everyone for their sympathy and help. In particular, Art Hammond has been our hero again and again. Thank you Art, Cheryl, Adam and everyone. Mark is safe and comfortably settle in his new location. We couldn’t have done it without you and the support of the rest of this amazing family.

On the Loss of Our Friend, Ray Carpenter

On Thursday afternoon, February 9th, Ray Carpenter passed away peacefully, surrounded by his wife, Maria and family. Ray was a good friend to the boating community, not only at the Port of Kingston, but throughout the Puget Sound. His friendly, quick wit, and warm smile was a welcoming sign for all those who sailed into Kingston Marina. Last year he was awarded Man of the Year for the 4th of July Parade, an award that brought him to tears upon learning of the honor. His time with us was too short, and his illness brief, but he lived a good life and will be loved and missed by many. Sail on Ray, and may the wind be always at your back.


Social Events Survey
Are you looking to get more involved in the Club's Land fun activities? We can't do it without you!  Open dates for January are right around the corner.  Please call or email Simona Dedek, or 818-434-8091, or fill out this short survey:

Social Media
If you have ideas for content, or photos that you think the community would be interested in seeing, please send them to me, so we can keep the momentum going! Email me  at or text or call me 818-434-8091. If you have ideas for content, or photos that you think the community would be interested in seeing, please send them to me, so we can keep the momentum going! Email me  at or text or call me 818-434-8091.

Please Visit the KCYC Facebook Pages!

We all should know that KCYC has a public facebook page, Kingston Cove Yacht Club. Did you know that we also have a "members only" page? To use it, you must send us a request to join so we are certain that it remains a valuable resource for KCYC members.  Members can use the page to post topics and communicate with other members on whatever topics they choose.

To request to join the page, please click the link below.


Go to KCYC Members Facebook page